silicone work
Mrs. Mantis Silcone Turnaround
Film: Symbiotic

This puppet was divided into several pieces that had to be injected separately for function and molding purposes. This is the entire body assembled which includes 3 separate silicone parts; her main body, and her two separate hind legs
Each piece that was injected received a full paint-in to try and mimic an orchid mantis' true colorings.

Her paint-in used 3 different colors. Her shoes were painted in to match her dress, she had a base light skin color, and then she took a darker color on her hands and tops of her legs.
Here I am injecting the front half of her body.
monster mrs. Turnaround
Film: Symbiotic

This front half of the puppet required the same treatment as the other more human half. I used the same colors for the paint-ins, with some differentiation in where the darker colors were applied

Paint in job and armature in the mold before injection


The legs had to painted and injected separately but still used the same colors
Silicone Repairs!

The silicone was coming out flaky on the painted- in areas. I used a mixture of silicone glue, 0s10, and silcone to fix these areas

On the left, the puppet's shoulder had broken. I replaced the wire and repaired the silicone around the area. On the right, the first cast of the legs came out hollow so I refilled them with some of the base silicone.
This puppet had a few dents, along with flaking issues. Here, I am filling an air bubble in his shoe and the dent in his leg. Later, I applied seran wrap around his leg to form the silicone to shape. After it was set, I went back in to smooth out any bumps or faults

Many of the seems on our painted- in areas of the puppets came out quite thick. To fix this, I cut them down quite a bit with cuticle scissors, then applied the base silicone in the areas, referencing the original sculpt as to try and not deviate from the



Post Silicone clean-up, responsible only for Silicone clean-up

Bonus finger repair before this shot went off!